Saturday, April 05, 2008


I have a flickr account which you rarely bother to peruse. When you do, you invariably start making a ruckus about the pictures of you that are on there. How dare I! Post! Pictures! Of! You!

From your perspective it's a gross invasion of privacy. The whole internet is looking at pictures of you being a goof. Your delicate teenage image is being destroyed.

From my perspective, this is our family picture album. How am I supposed to leave you out? Love and photograph all my children except for you? Nope. Sorry. And as for the whole internet looking: Nope. Sorry. It's our friends and family - the same people who would see these pictures if they were in our house looking at a paper photo album.

Perhaps this is a mistake I'm making. I don't know. I want to respect your budding sense of self and your privacy, but at the same time I think of these pictures as mine. They are images I make and share with people who care. Right this minute you're embarrassed, but one day you're going to look back on these pictures and be so glad I took them. And even if you don't, your future family will.

If this is a mistake, I apologize. I do it with the best intentions.


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