Sunday, March 09, 2008

Almost 13

The other day you said you didn't want to be 13. You wanted to keep on being a child. You can't know how much I want that too. I want you to stay my little Boy. I never want you to be too big for my lap.

But you grow. And it is good. You've already started stretching the wings that are going to take you out of my nest; forgive me if I don't make room as quickly as you'd like.

I hope you know how proud I am of you. I know you've got all the things you need to be happy in life. You're kind, hard working, creative and smart. Mostly I worry that you don't know it as well as I do.

I love you so much- I couldn't love anyone more. You are dear and precious and perfect to me just the way you are. I could spend all day trying to communicate just how dear and precious and perfect and loved you are, but it wouldn't be any good because it just can't be said enough.

I love love love you,