Sunday, October 08, 2006

To my son:

I love you so much. I wish I were a perfect Mom, who was never tired and grumpy, who always had the perfect answers for things.

As we both know, I'm not.

I wish I had kept a journal just about you for your whole life. I've only managed it off and on. There are many reasons, but none of them are that I didn't love you enough.

I will piece together what I do have collected already, as I find the time. And I will try again, here, to keep a record of your life as it is viewed from my eyes. Someday this will be important. It will help you understand why I went wrong when I did, and will help you understand why you do the things you do.

And it will be fun. You're going to forget much of the stuff I write about. Someday you'll read this and get the biggest kick out of the funny, sweet, wonderful kid you were.

Your Mom