Friday, September 05, 2008

Great Big Boy

We've spent the past few days marveling over the story of the young man who caught scurvy by living off beer and chicken wings for two months. We've also read of his siblings who don't know that vacuum cleaners have bags, or what "tsp" stands for. I am proud of you, because even if you started your independent living today you would be better off than those guys. You actively seek out information about daily living, and you never shirk your chores. Never. When you go off to college and your friends regale you with tales of their many lessons, teams and clubs; when they pity you for never having spent all your weekday evenings in a whirlwind of soccer, test prep courses and boy scouts meetings; smile a sad smile as you spoon them a second helping of the only healthy home cooked meal anywhere near campus. Agree that it was terrible while you lounge in clean clothes in a (relatively) clean kitchen. I know things won't be totally spic and span, but I can rest easy knowing it won't be because you don't know how.

Of course, sometimes you end up being too much the big boy. Today you went to the first full day of school in two years. I woke you up at 6, then lay back down. You don't need me to be awake for your shower or breakfast. But I meant to get back up before you left. You needed a hug, someone to ask if you remembered your lunch. I woke up at seven and came running down the steps, but you'd already left. Nervous, you wanted to be on time and you left early.

Hope you remembered your lunch.
