Thursday, August 23, 2007

Well, you asked....

I was cleaning my closet out, which means I ran into a cloud of dust and my head filled up with snot. You came into the bedroom to take advantage of the chance to snuggle in our bed. I blew my nose and said "That's disgusting!"
To which you replied, "What's disgusting?"
So I showed you.
And you screamed. And ran. And said "Oh my God! What was that?!?" about a million times.
And I laughed. And wheezed. And laughed harder. And had to sit down so I wouldn't pee.

I suppose one had to be there to appreciate the humor, but you were, so one day you'll read this and sigh "Those were the good old days..."


Monday, August 13, 2007

Someday you will have forgotten this.

You will read this and be reminded, and laugh as hard as your Dad I did...

So your sister came out to the kitchen with something in her mouth. I asked her what was in her mouth, and she spits out a piece of glass! Oh the horrors! We had just had a glass break in the kitchen the day before, but we were sure we'd gotten it all up. Then to see that glass come out of her mouth....
I couldn't imagine how she hadn't cut herself until I looked the glass over. It was oddly smooth- kind of like sea glass, only perfectly clear. Your Dad came out to the kitchen to look at this odd glass, and was holding it up when you came into the kitchen. "Oh!" You say, "That's my rock candy! I'm sure of it!"
Then you cautiously hold it up to your tongue and taste it.
"Yep!" you say, and pop it into your mouth.
This is when your Dad says
"So let me get this straight. You dropped that piece of candy on the floor. Then your sister sucked on it for a while, then you ate it."
Oh the agony! You couldn't get over the horror of it, and we couldn't stop laughing. Still makes me giggle.

Glad no one was hurt,
Your Mom